St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) was established in 1998. It is the successor of the Nyegezi Social Training Institute (NSTI) founded in 1960 by the Catholic White Fathers (currently known as the Missionaries of Africa). This was under the initiative of Bishop Joseph Blomjous of the Mwanza Diocese.
The University extends to over 600 acres in the Nyegezi- Malimbe area 10 km south of Mwanza City. It lies 4 km off the Mwanza- Shinyanga road on the shores of Lake Victoria. As part of Tanzania’s central highlands (1140 m above the sea level), the area to the south of Lake Victoria is noted for its moderate temperatures. Mwanza can be reached from other parts of Tanzania and East Africa by train, air, ferry and highways.
To remain a university that fosters holistic development of a person and respect for human dignity.
St. Augustine University of Tanzania strives at:
- Committed to being a centre of excellence in the provision of high quality education, research, and public service.
- Promoting the pursuit and defense of truth with transparency and honesty, and service with competence and dedication.
- Developing a sense of caring for personal and community property.
- A holistic development of the person by providing sound knowledge, higher analytical ability and commitment to generous service and respect to humankind.
St. Augustine University of Tanzania, a secular and private institution of higher learning owned and managed by the Catholic Church, is dedicated to St. Augustine of Hippo (345-430 A.D), with the Motto “Building the City of God”.
Why Choose Us
- St. Augustine University of Tanzania has about 14,780 students, and qualified teaching and non- teaching members of staff. The university ensures that its members share the learning facilities in an intimate and friendly community atmosphere.
- St. Augustine University has the highest proportion of experienced and highly committed members of academic and administrative staff enough for its fellowship.
- Men and women come to St. Augustine University of Tanzania from all over the world and from a wide variety of backgrounds. This creates a good mixture of students on the one, two or three-year taught courses and those pursuing research degrees.
- Students at SAUT share learning facilities on equal terms. This enables free flow of knowledge and experience which any expected graduand should rightly expect from an academic community like SAUT.