Download Arabic (Kiarabu) New Syllabus Form I – IV PDF
عامتسلاا ىلع ةردقلا نم بلاطلا نيكمت وه ةغللا هذه ميلعت نم فدهلا. IV-I فصل ةماعلا ةيؤناثلا ةلحرملا يف ةيرايتخا ةدام ةيبرعلا ةغللا ةغللا هذه حتفت .ةفلتخم تاقايس يف لاصتلاا تاجايتحلا اقفو ةلوهسب ةغللا مادختسا ىلع ةردقلا ءانبو ، ةيبرعلا ةغللاب ةباتكلاو ةءارقلاو ثدحتلاو ةغللا تادرفم ةنراقمل ةيساسلأا تاراهملا ناقتإ نم ذيملتلا سردلا اذه نكميس امك .فيظوت وأ افظوم نوكت نأ كلذ يف امب صرفلا نم ديدعلا .ىرخلأا تاغللاب اهدعاوقو ةيبرعلا ميلعتلا جهنم ررقملا اذه حضوي .اينازنت يف سداسلا ىلإ ثلاثلا فصلا نم ةيبرعلا ةغللا ملعتو ميلعت يف ملعملا داشرإ فدهب ررقملا اذه دادعإ مت يف ةلثمتملا ذيملتلا تاراهم ءانب للاخ نم ملعتلاو ميلعتلا ةطشنأ طيطخت نم ملعملا ررقملا نكمي ، كلذ ىلإ ةفاضلإاب .م2023 ماعل يئادتبلاا .هتئيب يف تايدحتلا لحو لصاوتلاو نواعتلاو عادبلإاو لوضفلا
Arabic Language is an optional subject at the level of Secondary Education Forms I-IV. The aim of teaching this subject is to develop the Arabic language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in order to build the student’s ability to communicate in various contexts.
Also, the student will be able to provide community services by translating, editing and interpreting simple conversations, thus, being able to afford his daily life by being self-employed and employed.
Also, this lesson will enable the student to be able to compose various texts in the Arabic language.
What is a Syllabus
A syllabus is a document that outlines everything that will be covered in a class. It is a document that contains all of the important details regarding a school or college courses.
It is a document that outlines all the essential information about a college course. It lists the topics you will study, as well as the due dates of any coursework including tests, quizzes, or exams.
Why Your Syllabus Is Important?
Your syllabus gathers all the vital information about your class in one place. Therefore Syllabus will help you to:
1. Be organized.
2. Observe deadlines
3. Get ready for class.
4. Recognize assignments
5. Be aware of your grade.
6. Control your time.
7. Engage with students and/or learners
Download Arabic (Kiarabu) New Syllabus Form I – IV PDF
Arabic Language Syllabus for Ordinary Secondary Education Form 1- 4