When does the celebration take place
Where did it take place
Who was the guest of honour
What social and cultural activities colored the occasion
What make you remember the day
What is the significance of this celebration
Why is honoured and upheld in our nation
Mention other kind of holiday celebrated in our nation
If this celebration want be conducted what will happen
It is celebrate on Dec 9th each year last year Independence Day celebration took place at the Dar es Salaam National Stadium.
The President of the United Republic of Tanzania his Excellence Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete was the guest of honour. The celebration started at around 8:30 in the morning.
The other invited guest in the celebration were ambassadors, Ministers, government official and one president of Zanzibar.
The was colored by various activities such as traditional during, comedy, national anthem the pared by national defense and security soldiers,
I remember this event because it mark the government day on which our national obtained her independence. Also this was among having rain fall in the history of our nation, also it to lose on this day that I saw the president of Zanzibar for the first time. The day on which our country became free from Colonial domination.
Every nation in the world honour and uphold the day which they got their freedom because it is like the birthday of this country. It is on this day that our nation came into during.
Other kind of holiday celebrated your by our nation include, revolution day, Union day, Sabasaba, Nane Nane, Nyerere day, Karume Day, Workers day, Maulid, Christmas, Easter, Id, New year
If this celebration wont be conducted nothing wrong really will happen, but it is a great day and country use to remember it, so it must be celebrated to honour our national.
Write a story about “Terrible accidents” you have ever seen. Use guidelines below.
1. What is the title of your story?
2. Where did it occur?
3. How many cars were involved? Were there pedestrians on cyclists?
4. What caused the accident?
5. What damage did the accident cause?
6. What should be done to reduce accidents?
7. What are your opinions?
Topic 2: Talking About Events – English Notes Form Two
The accident occurred along Morogoro road at that place called Manzese. Two cars were involved in this accident, one push car, furrari which was leading to town and daladala town bus coming from Kariakoo, going to Ubungo.
This accident is said to be caused by careless among the drivers, also the town bus had serious mechanical problems, the driver us the Ferrari was heavily drunk the place had hardly any road safety sign, road safely regulatory were not observed one of the drive had no driving license, high speed also is claimed to be the reason so this terrible accident which took away life of many people.
The accident caused loss of life and properly, passengers were seriously injured some lost important organs of the bodies two cars were severely damaged. Other damages registered include destruction of road lights signs, one bicycles completely crushed.
Measures to reduce the rate of accidents should be put into action for instant, installation of road signs the drivers who break road safely regulations should be severely punished speed governors should be used. Thus please to be educate about road safety. Drivers should be skilled and traffic officer should inspect all cars and buses.
Generally speaking cars have become dangerous be taking away peoples life maliciously. I am of the opinion that road safely education should be given the same emphasis as AIDS education
It was celebrated on 15 th November 2002. It first take palace on the community church then later on it was celebrated at Sea cliff Hotel.
My Uncle, Mr. Dennis was the guest of honour. Therulebration started at around 10:30 in the morning. The other guest were aunt, Neighbors, best friends also some neighbors.
The event was coloured by a very big confirmation cake, taskey food, lost drinks and other drink which people liked, also the some traditiona dance and music colored the event
I remember this event because this was my first time to get confirmation and it was something which was thought. I remember this event because Polycap Cardinal Pengo was confrimunting so also got a chance to see him for the first time. So also got a chance to see him for the first time.
In Christians, especially in Roman Catholic every child should get confirmation so as to become a good Christian.
Other kind as celebration are communion, baptism, confirmation and others
If the ceremony is not given to a Christians he or she will not be a good Christian like is supposed to be.
Activity 1: Family Celebrations-Use Family Celebration Photos
The students can be given an opportunity to express or narrate any family celebrations they prepared or took part in it or in neighbour’s family celebrations.
A teacher may explain that each student will have the opportunity to show their family celebration photograph. The students may have been told the day or days before.
If a class is small, each student may explain about his or her photograph or if a teacher thinks it is important, he/she can arrange them in groups, and tell them to select one, two or three photographs to talk about as a group.
When they have decided which photograph or photographs they are going to talk about, ask each student or each group the following questions.
- Why are these events important?
- What makes them special?
Activity 2: Guided/Independent Learning-Let them discuss and tell what happened by using a family photograph.
After allowing students to share their family celebration photographs with the class. Then a teacher may need each student or group to choose one family celebration to report on by choosing one particular family photograph.
A teacher should remember that students may require some breaks during this process, as it could take some time for all students to share and explain their family celebration photographs. Try some Brain Break Activities to give the students a short rest so they can refocus.
Ask the group now to write about the family celebrations they have chosen. Remind the students that, they should choose one family photograph so that the whole group can focus on one thing.
They may have been discussed, voted or choose three photographs, but for the writing activity, they should choose one photograph.
Their earlier discussions of various photographs is still helpful because it helps them to know what other photographs have and then making them able to distinguish between then and choose only one for activity.
Also a teacher should remind the students that their report should have the following language patterns:
- Celebrations started at…….
- The Guest of honour/brides arrived at…….
- The parade/hall was……..
- The Guest of honour/MC/bride said……..
The students should also be reminded of the settings of the events. They should make sure their family celebrations are cantered on the common social settings like home, street, village, town, city or school.
Now, let them write! Supervise their work or have them write and submit to you. You should make corrections when you give them feedback!
Activity 3: Wrapping Up/Summarizing the discussions
Lastly, as a teacher thank the students for sharing their special family celebrations with the class. To summarize the content of the lesson, ask the students:
1. What types of celebrations were common among the families of our classmates?
2. Did you learn about any celebrations that you had not heard of before?
3. Which celebration did you most enjoy hearing about and why?
Activity 4: Introducing Students to National Celebrations
In this activity, the students can now be introduced to other types of celebrations in which students will explore how nations celebrate their unique history, culture and identity.
Talk a little about national celebrations and brainstorm with the students on these national celebrations.
After brainstorming, ask them the following questions:
1. Can you think of any occasions where the entire country celebrates together?
2. How are these events celebrated?
3. Why are these celebrations important?
Then a teacher leads another discussion and find out the answers of the activity as a class. After the discussion of the questions above, a teacher may want his/her students to explore more on these celebrations.
He/she can ask the students the following questions again:
1. Why might special symbols be important to these national celebrations?
2. Do these national celebrations have any special symbols in common?
3. How do you think each of these national days might be celebrated?
Activity 5: Introducing Students to International celebrations.
Here the students are introduced to the kinds of international celebrations they know or they have taken part. A teacher can brainstorm with the students on these international celebrations.
Students can sit in groups and discuss the kind of international celebrations, their specific dates or time for celebration, the purposes of these celebrations, activities accompanied with these celebrations, and symbols of these celebrations.
CONNECTION: Beyond the Sub topic
This sub topic is helpful for it makes students think and learn how to report events orally or in written form. This encourages students that the real events can be reported live or in written forms.
Apart from that, students will also learn how to use past tenses when they are reporting the past events.
Also allowing students to write or report and event on a particular setting helps them to realize the importance of writing issues for a particular event at a time.
By using students’ family celebrations like Family birthdays, Sendoffs, Weddings, and the like, the students will be more engaged in the activities or celebrations he/she is familiar with and he/she was one of the participant.
This removes the notion that each activity a teacher teaches should be imagined only, thus making students the primary observers of their own activities.
In this way, it is also simple for students to relate the events in English language because they are the ones who prepared it and they know almost every details of that particular celebrations.