TIE Book History Form Three PDF
In this article, are you looking for Download TIE Book History Form Three:- The Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) is a Parastatal Organization under the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MOEVT) charged with the responsibility of ensuring the quality of education in Tanzania at the pre-school, primary, secondary and teacher training levels.
This textbook, History for Secondary Schools, is written specifically for the Form Three students in the United Republic of Tanzania.
It is prepared in accordance with the 2005 History Syllabus for Secondary Schools, Form I-IV, issued by the then Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.
The book consists of five chapters, namely Scramble for and partition of Africa, Establishment of colonial rule in Africa, Establishment of colonial administrative systems, The colonial economy and Colonial social services.
Each chapter contains illustrations, activities and exercises.
You are encouraged to do all the activities and exercises, as well as other assignments provided by your teacher.
Doing so will promote the development of the intended competences.