035 Engineering Science Form Four CSEE NECTA Examination Format PDF
For Both School and Private Candidates
This Engineering Science examination format revises the 2019 version issued by the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA).
The format is based on the 2019 Engineering Science syllabus for Technical Secondary Schools.
Improvements in the syllabus include adding new topics and removing some content. As a result, this revised format improves the examination rubric, the content, general objectives and competencies.
The examination will assess the extent to which candidates can:
1 apply knowledge, laws, theories and principles of Engineering Science in real life;
2 use concepts of motion in driving machines;
3 apply engineering principles to produce different items required by the society;
4 use acquired skills to repair different instruments;
5 apply principles of thermal energy in measurement of heat effect in different substances; and
6 generate magnetism and electricity necessary in engineering operations.