Home NEWS & INFO SCHOOL FEES - BEI YA ADA ZA SHULE TANZANIA Fee Structure Braeburn International School – Dar es Salaam 2025/2026

Fee Structure Braeburn International School – Dar es Salaam 2025/2026

Fee Structure Braeburn International School - Dar es Salaam 2025/2026

Fee Structure Braeburn International School – Dar es Salaam 2025/2026

In this post you will get Fee Structure Braeburn International School – Dar es Salaam 2025/2026, Fee Structure Braeburn International School – Dar es Salaam, Braeburn Dar es Salaam International School Fee Structure 2025/2026, Braeburn Dar es Salaam International School (BDIS) is a co-educational international school in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We currently teach children from age 2 to 16.

In Key Stages 1, 2 and 3, students follow an internationalized version of the National Curriculum of England, then in Key Stage 4 they embark on the Cambridge International Examinations IGCSE courses. BDIS is a member of the Braeburn Group of International Schools.

Braeburn Dar es Salaam International School. Opened in September 2015, BDIS is the newest school in the Braeburn group. Offering a first class British education, taught by a team of professional, dedicated teachers, we help our students develop the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to enjoy successful lives.

Braeburn is committed to providing opportunities for students of different abilities to develop both academically and socially and in doing so to become confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens.

We strongly believe in a holistic approach to learning and our school is a happy, safe environment in which our students are encouraged to explore their interests and identify their talents.

Our curriculum is diverse, extends beyond the classroom and recognises not only the significance of the pursuit of high academic achievement but also emphasises the importance of purposeful engagement in sport, the creative arts, outdoor pursuits and community service.

The progress of each individual is followed closely allowing extension or support to be provided as needed.

We take great pride in our students, who are confident, yet respectful, independent, yet sociable but most importantly are happy and want to learn, participate and achieve. We see in them the leaders and professionals of tomorrow.

We value and respect the families of our students and work hard to ensure they feel part of the school community. Education is most effective when the partnership between home and school is strong.

We look forward to welcoming you to BDIS in the near future.

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Admissions Policy

Braeburn Dar es Salaam follows the admission policy of the Braeburn Group of International Schools.

Supporting documents

All applicants must provide copies of their passport or copies of birth certificate, previous 2 reports, leaving certificate from previous school.

Fee Structure Braeburn International School – Dar es Salaam

1. Year group Age requirement (age on or before 31st August on year of entry)

2. Pre-Creche To be 2 years old

3. Creche To be 2 years old *

4. FS1 To be 3 years old **

5. FS2 To have turned 4 years old on or before 31st August

6. Year 1 To have turned 5 years old on or before 31st August

7. Year 2 To have turned 6 years old on or before 31st August

8. Year 3 To have turned 7 years old on or before 31st August

9. Year 4 To have turned 8 years old on or before 31st August

10. Year 5 To have turned 9 years old on or before 31st August

11. Year 6 To have turned 10 years old on or before 31st August

12. Year 7 To have turned 11 years old on or before 31st August

13. Year 8 To have turned 12 years old on or before 31st August

14. Year 9 To have turned 13 years old on or before 31st August

15. Year 10 14-15

16. Year 11 15-16

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Entry is normally at the start of the next term following the 2nd birthday for schools that don’t have a Pre-Creche). Children therefore may spend up to 5 terms in Creche.

Entry is normally at the start of the next term following the 3rd birthday for schools that don’t have a Creche). Children therefore may spend up to 5 terms in FS1.

Children are only placed in year groups according to their age. In exceptional circumstances a child may be placed in a year group below their age band. The reasons for this are normally identified Additional Educational Needs and it is considered in the child’s best interest. This is only agreed with substantial evidence that supports the decision (for example, assessments by an Educational Psychologist).

Children are never placed in a year group above their age band, regardless of academic ability or previous schooling. We believe this is best practice for children’s emotional, social and physical development, as well as their language and communication development, especially in the Early Years.

Parents of children with birthdays in July or August will be given a choice if they wish to hold their children back in a year group so they are the oldest in the class not the youngest. The advantages and possible disadvantages (sports) will be explained to parents on admission so they can make an informed decision.

Waiting lists

Where a year group is full, new admissions will be placed on a waiting list. Waiting lists operate on a first come, first served basis. Priority may be given to siblings of children who have a place in the school.


Children with siblings already attending the school will be given priority in situations where there are waiting lists for entry to a particular year. There is a discount on tuition fees for siblings.

Differentiation and setting

At Braeburn, children are in mixed ability classes, and differentiation takes place within all classes to ensure children’s needs are met. This may be done through variation of teaching methods, task or expected learning outcomes.

Teachers will often group children within their classes to assist with differentiation. The learning objectives covered for all children in a year group is the same. Where numbers allow, setting in Mathematics, English and Modern Foreign languages, may take place in Year 2 and above.

Additional education provision

The school welcomes children with mild learning difficulties and offers a range of additional support. There is a policy of inclusion in most mainstream classes with withdrawal from one or two subjects decided in consultation with parents, the pupil (age dependent) and teachers.

Where known or suspected, parents are expected to make the school aware of any additional needs their child may have, before admission into the school.

Children will undergo specific assessments soon after admission as challenges become apparent or parents will be asked to take the child for assessments by external specialists.

If the school finds it cannot meet the needs of a particular child, the parents will be advised to withdraw the child and recommendations for alternative provision will be made.

English as an additional language

The school has limited provision for children who have no knowledge of the English language. Special oral and written tests may be used to determine the child’s proficiency in English. The approach and support offered by the school is age dependent and is outlined in the table below.

Key stage Provision

EYU and KS1 Pupils are supported in mainstream classes – both beginners and those with a more advanced knowledge.

KS2 and KS3 Beginners undergo an intensive English course for an hour a day for 10 weeks, being withdrawn from Literacy, preferably in the morning lessons.

Physical disability

We will endeavor to educate students with physical disability within the constraints of school facilities and environment.

Admission testing

We use pre and post admission testing to:

  • Ensure all pupils can access our curriculum,
  • Provide teachers with an idea of a child’s needs and strengths
  • Help with target setting for academic performance

Medical form

This must be completed by parents as soon as the child has joined the school.

Leaving the school

The headteacher must receive one term’s notice in writing. If notice is not received, one term’s fees in lieu of notice will be charged.

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Important information about school fees

1. Above Fees indicate costs for Tuition, including all approved textbooks and exercise books, School Transport services and Refundable Deposit but do not include Enrolment or any applicable Examinations Fees.

2. Applications for placement at the school are only processed on the return of a duly completed registration form and on the payment of a non-refundable registration fee of USD 100/. In certain Year Groups where vacancies are limited, a 20% advance payment of the tuition fee is payable against the First Term’s invoice.

This advance payment is not refundable if confirmed places are not taken up. Children who cannot be accommodated immediately are put on a waiting list.

3. Fees above are in US Dollars, and are billed in August, December and April, with the exception of Year 11 where fees are billed in August and December.

4. Early payment discount: Fees are payable on or before the first day of each term. A discount of 3% on tuition fees is given when full payment is made within 6 days of the due date.

5. Family discounts, on tuition fees only are allowed in bills as follows:

  • 2nd Child: 10%
  • 3rd Child: 20%
  • 4th Child: 30%
  • 5th & subsequent Child: 40%

6. A surcharge of 1.25% is levied per month for the late payment of fees.

7. Activity fees are charged separately and are normally accompanied by an official letter from the headteacher.

8. A full term’s notice in writing and the headteacher’s acknowledgement in writing of the same is required for withdrawals else, a full term’s fees are payable in lieu of such notice.

9. The Board of Directors reserves the right to alter the fees at four months’ notice.

Fee Structure Braeburn International School – Dar es Salaam 2025/2026

Basic fees (2025/2026 Academic year)
Year Group
Annual Tuition Fee (USD)
Deposit (USD)
Crèche 8,385 300
FS1 9,390 300
FS2 10,830 300
Year 1 to 6 16,800 300
Years 7 to 9 18,480 300
Year 10 18,480 300
Year 11 (Two Billings) 18,480 300


Year Group Transport Type Annual Transport Fee (USD)
FS2, Year 1 to 10 Zone 1 795
FS2, Year 1 to 10 Zone 2 945
FS2, Year 1 to 10 Zone 3 1,104
FS2, Year 1 to 10 Zone 4 1,260
FS2, Year 1 to 10 Zone 5 1,575
Year 11 Zone 1 796
Year 11 Zone 2 946
Year 11 Zone 3 1,104
Year 11 Zone 4 1,260
Year 11 Zone 5 1,576

Payment may be made in Tanzanian Shillings

(Please contact the school accountant for the exchange rate)

Deposits are charged once on joining the school but must be topped up if deductions are made for losses or breakages. The deposit (or balance thereof) is refundable at the end of a pupil’s final term following clearance by the headteacher.

For More Detailed Information Kindly Visit Braeburn Dar es Salaam International School Official Website


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