Fee Structure The Aga Khan Mzizima Secondary School, Dar es Salaam
In this article you will find Fee Structure The Aga Khan Mzizima Secondary School, Dar es Salaam, How to pay school fees at The Aga Khan Mzizima Secondary School, School fees payment schedule for The Aga Khan Mzizima Secondary School
The Aga Khan Education Service (AKES) was created by Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan, the current Aga Khan’s predecessor and grandfather. Aga Khan Schools were first established as early as 1905.
These included a handful of community-based literacy classes in remote rural areas of South East Asia which were strikingly progressive for their time.
They put emphasis on accessibility for all communities regardless of socioeconomic status, teaching both girls and boys, and stressing the importance of equitable early childhood education.
The Aga Khan Schools in Tanzania
The Aga Khan Education Services in Tanzania operates three schools, from nursery to secondary levels.
Each school aims to provide a quality education that imparts a broad set of personal and intellectual skills which develops independent inquiry and critical thinking abilities. The origins of the Aga Khan schools in Tanzania go back to the 19th century when a girls’ school was started around 1905 in Zanzibar by Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah Aga Khan III.
The focus of AKES in Tanzania is to implement educational programs that are designed to assist students in acquiring life skills as well as an intellectual foundation that will enable them to make their way confidently in a world increasingly characterised by globalisation and technological advancement.
To meet the needs of diverse communities, AKES in Tanzania operates schools which run both National and International curricular.
1. Aga Khan Nursery and Primary School
Our aim is to provide our students with well-rounded education which allows children to discover and nurture their creativity and develop into independent critical thinkers with a love for lifelong learning.
The Aga Khan Nursery and Primary School offers an engaging, quality curriculum through the Pre-School Programme (ages 2-3) and the Primary Years Programme (PYP) Kindergarten 1 to Grade 6 (ages 3-12).
The School is authorized by IB for the PYP, whose philosophy provides a framework for educating our students to meet the challenges of the 21st century and supporting their growth as productive, insightful, responsible and compassionate citizens in our global society.
It focuses on developing independent, skilled learners through an inquiry-based approach that reflects a unique global perspective. Even though our curriculum is based on the IB-PYP, compatibility has been ensured with the National Curriculum of Tanzania and the Tanzanian culture. AKNPS occupies a spacious, well-maintained campus which includes facilities for indoor and outdoor sports, art, music and ICT.
Our school’s mission and philosophy are aligned with that of the IB programme by valuing education that goes beyond academic development. The IB PYP approach provides a framework for educating our students to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. Through the PYP, our students grow to become productive, insightful, responsible and compassionate citizens in our global society.
The Primary Years Programme (PYP) at the AKNPS – through structured and purposeful inquiry – aims to develop students in the acquisition of knowledge and skills, the development of conceptual understanding, the ability to value and demonstrate positive attitudes, and the capability to take action directed by informed choices.
At AKNPS we strongly believe that education is a three-way partnership between Students, Teachers and Parents, each playing an equally important role.
2. Aga Khan Mzizima Secondary School
The first private secondary school to be established in Tanzania after the Arusha Declaration in 1967.
In our school, we are committed to offer first class education to all students, which will enable them to be responsible citizens of the world, future leaders, and reach their goals in life. To meet the needs of the community we offer two curricula, Tanzania national curriculum (NECTA) and International curriculum (Middle School Programme, IGCSE and IBDP).
NECTA curriculum runs from Form 1 to 6. International curriculum covers Middle School Programme; this is offered from year 7 to 9 leading to International General Certificate for Secondary Education (IGCSE) which is year 10 to 11.
International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBDP) is a two year pre-university course offered in year 12 and 13. Our International curriculum is based on IB philosophy of preparing well rounded learners in both academics and spiritual wisdom.
To meet this goal, our focus is not only on academic achievements of the students, but we also encourage their participation in sports, community service, creativity and action across the entire school.
Mzizima has, since the 1980s, been at the forefront of educational innovation in Dar-es-Salaam and was one of the first schools to introduce inquiry-based learning methodologies and to integrate IT into all aspects of school life.
The School is divided into Lower School and Upper School. Lower School is Years 7- 9 and Forms 1 and 2. Upper School is Years 10 – 13 and Forms 3 – 6. The normal ages for entry are given in the table below.
Lower School
Upper School
Placement is decided on chronological age, as our experience shows children succeed best in such groupings. If parents feel their child would benefit from being placed out of their age group, the School will assess the child and discuss with parents to determine the best outcome. The School will make the final decision.
There are transition points for students who wish to move from the national to the international curriculum or from the international to the national curriculum. If you wish your child to switch, please contact the Head Teacher to discuss this.
There is flexibility in academic levels within each year group to ensure appropriate differentiation for each child’s individual abilities and potential.
Regardless of which curriculum they opt for, all students have access to the full range of facilities and resources both in and out of the classroom.
Our qualified career counsellor is also available to provide guidance on higher education, and scholarships from institutions around the world and career options.
Admission Procedure
Selection Process
Students seeking admission into Years 7 – 11/ Forms 1 – 4 at secondary level have to take an entrance examination. Admission into the IB and the ‘A’ level programme is based on student performance in public examinations.
Where students are equal on merit and there are limited places available, precedence will be given first to siblings of students already attending any of the Aga Khan Schools and then to siblings of graduates of Aga Khan Mzizima Secondary School.
Time of Admission
Ordinarily, time of admission is at the beginning of the School year for the year group for which admission is being sought. Students will be admitted mid-year where places are available.
Applications will generally not be accepted for admission into Year 11 or Form 4 and Year 13 or Form 6. Exceptions can be made if the student is coming directly from overseas.
Announcements are made in the local press inviting applications for admission. Information is given about closing dates for submitting application forms and the dates and times of entrance examinations.
Before sitting for an entrance examination, a completed application form has to be submitted together with a good faith deposit.
Where there are more eligible applicants than places for a particular year group, admission will be on a first come basis.
Parents of prospective students who are not able to take the entrance examination on the announced date should contact the school. The School will arrange an alternative date, if there are still places available in the required year group.
Visits to the School
Parents and prospective students are welcomed to make an appointment to meet the Head Teacher and to tour the school.
Office hours are 7.15 am to 4.00 pm.
Admissions Fees
Contact Us Aga Khan Mzizima Secondary School
The Aga Khan Mzizima Secondary School, Dar es Salaam
Head of School
Plot No 955
Fire Station Road, West Upanga
Dar Es Salaam
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 21563
Fire Road
Upanga, Dar es Salaam
Phone: +255 22 215 1253, 215 1269
Public Relations, Admissions, Recruitment, Alumni, Parents Queries
Head of School
Phone: +255 22 215 1161 (Dir)