IRDP Online Application System (OAS) 2025/2026 – Chuo Cha Mipango
In this article are you Looking for IRDP Online Application System (OAS) 2024/2025 – Chuo Cha Mipango, The Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP) is a corporate body established by the Parliamentary Act No. 8 of 1980.
This Act provides a legal framework for the Institute to be established as an important national centre for provision of training, research and consultancy services in the field of rural development planning and management with main objective of alleviating qualitative and quantitative shortage of skilled manpower within the framework of sustainable capacity building directed towards reducing poverty and attaining sustainable development
IRDP strives to enhance and strengthen capacity for rural development practitioners by providing post-secondary education and training, research and consultancy services
IRDP is thus a multi-disciplinary and multi-sectorial institute empowered to oversee and coordinate the provision of expertise to in-service and pre-service personnel involved in rural development planning in the country
Since its establishment, IRDP has been shaping destinies in planning and research methodologies focusing on the future prosperity of its students. As a result, graduates with IRDP qualifications have made valuable contributions in their fields. They are a proof of our unique approach of learning and training methodologies.
IRDP Provides a conducive environment for teaching, learning and working to both students and staff. This includes library, academic blocks and the multipurpose hall.
Institute of Rural Development Planning is the Government Institute under the Ministry of Finance. Applications to join at IRDP are done online through
Kindly read the information below before starting online application procedures.
1. One applicant should submit only one application (for those who have more than one form four index number).
2. For one to apply online, s/he should have an active phone number and e-mail account.
3. Applicants should read the entry requirements carefully and ensure that they apply for the programin which they meet the specified requirements including the application Pass Mark and the minimum GPA required.
4. For Diploma applicants from different Institute are required to read Guide Book of respective year of study at NACTVET website ( to check if your program is eligible for the programs offered by the Institute.
5. For Postgraduates Programs in completing the application, prospective applicants should enter their Program Choices in order of preference, and then select the program offer mode such as Full-time or Evening Classes.
6. There is no application fee during application procedures: It will be paid during registration and it is NON-REFUNDABLE.
7. For Postgraduates programs and Diploma Programsthe respective applicants should attach his/her ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT. The attachment should be in PDF format and not exceed 1 MB. (Any application that does not have the required attachments will not be processed).
8. During Registration, the applicants should bring their ORIGINAL Birth Certificate and Academic Certificates for verification. E.g. School Certificates
9. In completing of the application, applicants will be notified by SMS after approve of his/her application information and SUBMISSION of application. (Note: the applicant will not be able to change anything after the submission).
10.Applicants are reminded to always keep safe the information they receive during the application period and also the verification notification they will receive via SMS from Institute (IRDP), NACTVET and TCU.
11.Prospective applicants are expected to Print – Admission Letter after the announcement of selected applicants and keep safe throughout the academic year of study.
IRDP Online Application System (OAS) 2025/2026 – Chuo Cha Mipango
12.How to complete an Online Application?
Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP) has an online application system that is intended to accord anyone seeking admission to IRDP study programs to apply online provided they have an active phone number and email account.
Prospective applicants are therefore expected to make their online applications through application link on the Institute of Rural Development Planning Website: or direct application link through Applicants may use any Internet facility available to them to apply anytime of the day during the application period.
13.Selection Procedure: The Admissions office will review and process applications as scheduled by NACTVET and TCU calendar of the respective year of study.
14.Applicants must ensure that they provide correct Mobile Number as these will be used to communicate any matter regarding their applications.
15.Change of Name/Surname: Applicants are required to provide a legal proof for changing of name(s) if their Certificate(s) and/or other official documents show different names. THE INSTITUTE ONLY ACCEPTS AN AFFIDAVIT.
16. Incase there is a Loss of any Certificate, the applicant should submit AFFIDAVIT for birth Certificate, a letter from Head of School or NECTA for CSEE or ACSEE Certificates and Copy of Original for Academic Certificate and Transcript from respective College, Institute or University.
17.Applicants may contact the Admissions Office for any application/admission issues at: (+255)- 0746 777 001/0746 777 002/0746 777 003/0746 777 004/0746 777 005/0746 777 006/0746 888 064/0746 888 063/0744 254 305 or email to:
IRDP Online Application Application Steps & Instructions
Step: 1 Read Admission Guidelines & Criteria
Step: 2 Use form 4 index number / Equivalent number to create account
Step: 3 Carefully select application category and entry qualification (Application fees will be billed accordingly & fees are non refundable)
Step: 4 Fill out personal information
Step: 5 Add all form 4 results (required for applicants with multiple seatings)
Step: 6 Add other appropriate qualifications
Step: 7 Select at least 3 programs valid according to guide book.
Step: 8 Review your application details and submit to complete application.
Institute of Rural Development Planning,
Donbosco Road,
41213 Mbwanga,
P.O.Box 138,
Phone : (+255) 26 2963037Fax : (+255) 26 2963036
Email :