Home NECTA TANZANIA EXAM RESULTS | MATOKEO JCE Results 2025/2026 Botswana www.bec.co.bw

JCE Results 2025/2026 Botswana www.bec.co.bw

BGCSE Results Botswana 2025, JCE Results 2025/2026 Botswana www.bec.co.bw

JCE Results 2025/2026 Botswana www.bec.co.bw

JCE Results 2025/2026 Botswana www.bec.co.bw JC result 2023: All Botswana Examinations Council (BEC) conducted Junior Certificate Examination (JCE) and also publish the JCE result also known as JC results.

In this page, we will discuss how you can get Botswana JCE Results 2025/2026 online.

Botswana Junior Certificate Examination Results 2025/2026. This article is completely about JCE Results Botswana2025/2026. Candidates who are looking for the JCE Results Botswana here and there on the internet, they can stop your search and take a look at this article once.

The Junior Certificate Examinations (JCE) in Botswana are conducted by the Botswana Examinations Council (BEC) and play a vital role in the educational system. These examinations assess students’ knowledge and understanding of subjects taught in junior secondary schools. The JCE results determine their academic performance and help pave the way for their future educational and career endeavors.

Botswana Examinations Council (BEC) is mandated under section 5 of the Botswana Examinations Council Act (Act No 11 of 2002) as amended by the Botswana Examinations Amendment Act, 2019 to manage, conduct examinations and assessments in general education and technical, vocational education and training and to award certificates in respect of the said examinations and assessments.

Botswana JC Results 2023/2024 Release Date:

Botswana Examinations Council (BEC)  probably will be released on mid of January 2026.

How to check JCE Results 2025/2026 Botswana

JCE Results 2025/2026 Via SMS

Follow the instructions below to send an SMS.

Step 1: Go to Compose New Message and type your: JEC <SPACE > CentreNumber <SPACE > CandidateNumber <SPACE > CandidateSurname

  • Finally, Send it to 16688
  • You will receive your results via SMS.

2. JCE Results 2025/2026 Online @www.bec.co.bw:

Students can get the result through online. Botswana Examinations Council (BEC) allows students to check the JCE result from official website of BEC.

Follow the step below to check the results.

1. Go direct to your web browser and visit the BEC website, www.bec.co.bw.

2. Navigate to the “Results” tab on the website’s navigation bar.

3. In the “Examination” drop-down menu, select “JCE” as the examination type.

4. Enter the year as “2024” in the designated text box.

5. Provide your school’s Centre Number in the corresponding text box. The Centre Number should be 6 characters long and begin with the letters “JC.”

6. Enter your Candidate Number in the designated text box. The system accepts candidate numbers with or without leading zeros.

7. Type your surname in the “Surname” text box. The surname is not case-sensitive.

8. Click the “Show Results” button.

9. The displayed results will include the Exam cycle, Year, Centre Number, Subjects, and Overall Grade.


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