MOEZ Form Five Selection 2025/2026 Zanzibar
TAMISEMI: Form five Selection 2025/2026 ; Majiina Waliochaguliwa Kidato cha Tano 2025/2026 Zanzibar – TAMISEMI: Majina ya wanafunzi waliochaguliwa kujiunga kidato cha Tano 2025/2026.
Selection for form five is under the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Zanzibar – MOEVT Zanzibar.
It determines which students, having completed their Form Four (O-Level) education, are eligible to advance to Form Five (A-Level) based on their academic performance and other criteria.
How to Check for the form five selection 2024/2025
1. Visit the official MOEZ website at:
2. Look for the “News and Events” section and click on the link for Form Five selection results 2024/25.
3. Fill candidate number
4. Search your name
MOEZ Form Five Selection 2025/2026 Zanzibar
Click here to check form five Selection 2025/2026