Importance of studying History
History is about people’s efforts to use and change their environments for their socio-economic and political needs.
There is a connection between people’s past actions and their present life. In other words, we are what we are today because of past events.
The importance of studying history includes the following:
- Understanding our origins
History enables us to understand our societies and their origins. It gives us a sense of belonging to our community. In this way, History influences us to love our country and its people as well as neighbouring countries and their people.
Studying History also helps us to know how and why our present societies differ from those of the past. When we study History, we learn how people obtained their livelihoods and dealt with challenges in the past.
For example, we learn how people obtained food, protected themselves from enemies, treated the sick and worshipped. Therefore, History helps us to understand how people used their knowledge, skills and experiences to manage their environment.
- Promoting tolerance
History is like a raised stage from which we can clearly see people’s past lives. It shows us their actions, courage, wisdom, and unity. In this way, we understand the culture and behaviour of other people.
We also learn to respect and tolerate the differences among people and societies. We realise that our ethnic groups, beliefs, customs, and traditions may differ from those of others. History teaches us to tolerate
History teaches us that the actions of one person may affect others. For example, our ancestors discovered crop cultivation and animal husbandry.
These activities continue to benefit people up to now. Others discovered fire and iron tools, which are also being used today.
We also learn that the activities we do today may be helpful or harmful to others in the future. People are always influenced by what others did in the past.
History shows that what happens in one society at one time may later positively or negatively affect other societies.
- Encouraging the search for evidence
History is based on information collected from different sources. When we get a piece of information, we should ask questions about its source, whether it is trusted, and whether the information might have been distorted.
Finally, we should judge and conclude. In this way, we learn that, for every issue, there are various sources of information. We also learn that, for every problem, there may be several causes, effects and solutions.
- Appreciating other people’s culture
History helps us to know that people develop their culture depending on their environments and contacts. Through such contacts, they come to understand the ways those differences.
- Learning from past actions
History teaches us that the actions of one person may affect others. For example, our ancestors discovered crop cultivation and animal husbandry. These activities continue to benefit people up to now. Others discovered fire and iron tools, which are also being used today.
We also learn that the activities we do today may be helpful or harmful to others in the future. People are always influenced by what others did in the past.
History shows that what happens in one society at one time may later positively or negatively affect other societies.
- Encouraging the search for evidence
History is based on information collected from different sources. When we get a piece of information, we should ask questions about its source, whether it is trusted, and whether the information might have been distorted.
Finally, we should judge and conclude. In this way, we learn that, for every issue, there are various sources of information. We also learn that, for every problem, there may be several causes, effects and solutions.
- Appreciating other people’s culture
History helps us to know that people develop their culture depending on their environments and contacts. Through such contacts, they come to understand the ways of life of other people.
Therefore, by studying History, people learn and appreciate the cultures of other people in the world.
- Promoting patriotism
History plays a critical role in promoting patriotism. Patriotism means the love of one’s society or nation, and the willingness to defend it.
History promotes this love and willingness because it teaches how the past and present generations offered their lives to build the nation and defend it from internal and external enemies.
It teaches how a nation started and how it changed over time. Moreover, History acknowledges men and women who played important roles in building the nation as national heroes and heroines.
Through History, learners develop an appreciation of the memory and identity of their nation. History is, therefore, critical in making people know their nation, love it, and be ready to defend or even die for it. It is difficult for people who do not know their nation’s history to be proud of or ready to die for it.
Study the following illustration, then write a paragraph on the importance of studying History.
1. “Studying history wastes time because the subject deals with past events as opposed to contemporary life.” Explain.
2. Provide reasons on the argument that the history of our ancestors is our history.
Read different reliable digital and non-digital sources to identify the relationship between history and other subjects.