FFARS Log in TAMISEMI – 2025/2026
Facility Financial Accounting and Reporting System (FFARS): The united republic of Tanzania Facility Financial Accounting and Reporting System (FFARS) is an application that allows recording Budget disbursement, expenditure and generating report at Facility level, Council level, Regional level and Ministry level.
This manual has been prepared to provide for a unified, simple and practical system (both paper and electronic system) of accounting and reporting covering all sectors at the facility level.
It will therefore act as a reference and working tool at this level geared towards guiding the facility officials in ensuring proper accounting, utilization and reporting of all Financial resources (both own and external financial resources) that are availed at the facility.
Username and Password will be provided to you by the appropriate person and at a specific level. After 1st login, the system will enforce you to change the default password by setting the password of your choice. The restriction is that you should provide a password that has more than six characters.
To login into FFARS
Openyour browser and type the following address http://ffars.tamisemi.go.tz when using internet or an IP: if you are connected at PORALG infrastructure.
The following interface will appear;
This is a login screen where a user need to write his email address as a username, type a password and then click Login.
To read more manual instruction download PDF here
FFARS Log in TAMISEMI – 2025/2026