Ajira Portal Login or Register – Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health – Ajira Portal is an online tool enable human resources for health to apply for vacant positions through the Ministry with the intention of working at different health facilities and institutions under the Ministry of Health and providing different health services.
Getting started with the system
The requirements that shall be considered before start using the Ministry of Health – Ajira Portal system.
Requirements to access the system
The following are prerequisites before using the system.
- Basic knowledge of Computer
- Make sure your computer/Laptop or gadgets connected to the Internet
- Make sure you have up to date browsers example; Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Internet explorer, etc.
- Have a valid email address which you can access
Documents required
You are required to have certified scanned copy of the following documents
- Birth certificate
- Form four and/ Form six academic certificates
- NECTA verification certificate (for those studed form four/six outside Tanzania)
- Professional certificates
- TCU verification certificate (for those ungergone professionsl studies outside Tanzania)
- Curruculum vitae (CV)
- Current passport size photo
- NIDA number and ID if available
- Application Letter
- Professional licence certificate for licenced practitioners
- Professional registration certificate (Full) for licenced practitioners
- Internship certificate for those undergone intenship
- Change of name by deed pool if you have different names on your birth certificate, NIDA and your academic and professional certificates. The deed pool should be registered by Commissioner for oarths and registrar of titles from the Ministry of Lands Housing and Human Settlements
Accessing Ministry of Health – Ajira Portal system
To access the system, open browser then enter the url http://ajira.moh.go.tz and you will be redirected to the page/screen shown below.
Type the link
Creating Account
In order to access Ministry of Health – Ajira Portal system user is required to created account by using Username (email) and Password.
Before creating account make sure you have valid email address, active licence number for licenced practitioners
On the main home page, click on create account link.
Click create account
Select category Licenced Health Practitioners for those practitioners that supposed to have licence or non licenced practitioners for those practitioners that are not supposed to have licence.
Make sure you select a correct category. If you choose wrong category, you will not be able to proceed with other application process
Select your category
For Licenced practitioners Select your Practitioners Council, Select your cadre, Enter Licence number Then Click submit
Make sure you select the correct Council, cadre and correct licence number. Failure to do so, you will not be able to proceed with the application.
After filling this form, the system will verify your registration details from your respective council system and pull your personal details.
- Select your Practitioners Council
- Select your cadre
- Enter Licence Reg Number
- Click submit
For Non Licenced practitioners you will required to select cadre and then click submit. After submitting you will be requires to fill your personal details.
Make sure you select the correct cadre. Failure to select the correct cadre will not be able to proceed with the application
- Select your cadre
- Click Submit
Enter your First Name, Middle Name and Surname, Select Date of Birth and gender, Enter your phone number and email address and Type Verification Code given then click Register
Make sure you enter this information correctly especially your email. Within Ministry of Health Ajira Portal account is created once and will be used in all other vacancies that will be advertised. Make sure you remember your email password
- Enter your personal details
- Verification Code
- Type verification code here
- Enter your personal
- Click Register
After filling the form and click register, you will get the message: “Account Created Successfully, Your Password has been sent to your email.”
Message after successful account creation
Then open your email to get the password. Account is created only once. This user name (email) will be used all the time when the Ministry advertise the vacancy.
Make sure you have access to this email because you will be used to reset password all the time if you forget it.
You are advised to change this password as it is difficult to remember. Refer the changing password process (Number 12)
This is your user name (email) and password that will be used to login the system
Login the System
To login the system enter email and password received from your email account then click Login. If you are not able to type the password correctly, try to copy and paste the password.
- Click Login
- Enter Password
- Enter your email
Adding Personal details
Click Personal Details then Enter your NIDA number then click save. The system will validate your NIDA number make sure you write correct number as written in your ID.
- Click Personal Details
- Enter your NIDA number
- Click save
Enter other your currently administrative location (Region, Council), Identify if you were employed by the government, Select Marital Status, Postal address and Identify if you have any disabilities. Then Attach your passport size photo. Then click save
- Attach your passport size photo
- Click save
- Continue Filling in your
Adding Academic Qualifications
Select Study country, Identify Study level, Enter your Index Number, Completion year. Then attach certificates and click save. Repeat for all your academic qualification levels. All your academic details will be shown at My academic details.
- Click Academic
- Enter Index Number
- Select Study Country
- Select Academic
- Click
- Save
- Select Completion
- Your Academic Qualificati ons
- Attach Certificate
Adding Professional Qualifications
Select Study country, Institution, Academic level, program, completion year. Then attach certificate and click save button. Repeat for all level of studies.
All your professional qualification details will be shown at My professional qualification details.
- Select Study Country
- Select Completion Year
- Select Academic
- Attach Certificate
- Click save
- Click Professional
- Qualification
- Your Professional Qualification will be
- populated here
Adding Working experience
If you have any experience related to the post you are looking, Click Working Experience, Write the place you have worked, select contract type, identify if you worked at government or private institution, select start work and identify if you are currently working there or not, If Not Identify Employment End Date then click save.
Repeating adding your working experience until your current working experience. All your working experience details will be shown at working experience.
Type Institution you worked
- Select employment type
- Select Ownership type
- Click Working
- Select Start Date
- Identify if it is your current
- If No, Select End Date
- Click Save
Adding Language Proficiency
Click Language Proficiency then Click Add New
- Click on Language
- Click on Add
Select language then identify level of speaking, Reading and Writing then click save. Repeat to all language you know.
- Identify level of Speaking, Reading and Writing
- Select Language
- Click Save
Sending application
To send application click Application then vacancies.
Click Apply
Click Vacancies
- Click Application
- Click Save
Confirm The Job title you want to apply as referred to advertised vacancy. Enter Referred Region, attach application letter then click Submit.
- Click Vacancies
- Click Browser to attach
- Application Letter
- Click Submit
To confirm if you have submitted your application click Application then click Vacancies. You will see your application status
- Application
- Status
- Click Vacancies
- Click Application
Changing Password
If you want to change your password, Click Change password then enter your old password then enter new password and re type new password, Then Click Change Password
- Re type new Password
- Click Change Password
- Click Change
- Enter New
- Enter Old
Forgot Password
If you forgot your Password or you have not received Password in your email during account creation
Click Forgoit password
Click Forgot
Enter email used during account creation, then enter verification code and click Reset Password. Then open your email and click the reset password link sent to your email
- Enter email you used to create account
- Verification code
- Enter Verification
- Click Reset Password
Login to your email and click the reset password link sent to your email to reset password
Password Reset Link
Then enter new password then re type the password and click change password. You can now login the system with new password
- Enter Password
- Retype Password
- Click Change
Ajira Portal Login or Register