Home HISTORY HISTORY FORM 1 The Late Stone Age_History Notes Form One

The Late Stone Age_History Notes Form One

The Late Stone Age, Early or Old Stone Age

The Late Stone Age_History Notes Form One

The Late Stone Age

Late Stone Age, also known as the New Stone Age, existed from approximately

50,000 to about 1500 years ago. Tools made in this period were better and more efficient than those made in the Middle Stone Age.

They included various types of blades, stone axes, barbed arrows, and spears. The makers of these tools were Homo sapiens sapiens.

The tools produced during this time were smaller than those produced during the Early and Middle Stone Ages.

They were easier to use and more effective. Examples of these tools included spears and arrows.

The figure below shows samples of such tools.


The Late Stone Age witnessed major cultural and technological improvements. For example, fishing communities settled near Lakes Edward, Rudolf, Victoria and along River Nile by 6000BCE. Such fishermen used barbed bone points and harpoons for fishing.

Examples of the Late Stone Age sites in East Africa are Mumba rock shelter, Nasera rock shelter; Gambles Cave and Enkapune ya Muto in Kenya; and Magosi in Uganda.

The first evidence is the presence of large quantities of remains of tools in those areas and large quantities of fish, fowl and animal bones.

The second piece of evidence is drawings and paintings in caves and rocks that show hunting and other activities of settled communities. The paintings indicate that the Late Stone Age societies held religious beliefs, made religious symbols, and decorated their bodies.

Physical changes of human beings during the Late Stone Age

During the Late Stone Age, human beings had smaller teeth than it was during other stone ages, The teeth were adapted to eating softer food and had a large brain capacity of about 1300-1450cc.

The shape of the skull was similar to that of modern human beings. By this time, human beings walked upright on two legs and had less body hair.

In addition, they had smaller brows, high forehead, little facial projections, ight-built jaws, and smaller limb bones.

Major changes in human beings during the Late Stone Age

Late Stone Age societies depended on hunting, gathering, fishing, and farming. The most important hunting weapons were bows and arrows. Sometimes arrows were coated with poison to kill animals such as antelopes, buffaloes, elephants, and others.

They hunted a wide range of small and large animals. They processed skins and used them as clothes. They also engaged in fishing from rivers and lakes. In addition, women gathered fruits and nuts. They also dug up edible roots and tubers using digging sticks.

By the year 8000BCE, crop cultivation and animal husbandry had developed in some parts of Africa to supplement hunting and gathering. The cultivated crops included wheat, barley, finger millet, rice, yams, and palm oil. Pre-colonial African societies also domesticated animals such as cattle, goats, sheep, and dogs.

Evidence for earliest food production activities has been discovered in some parts of Africa. These areas are Nile Valley, Ethiopian Highlands, regions along the Congo River and some areas in west Africa.

Moreover, Homo sapiens sapiens practised arts like rock painting and carving. These represent various activities like hunting, gathering, farming, and ceremonies.


1. What are the key innovations in tool making during the Late Stone Age when compared to Early Stone Age and Middle Stone Age?

2. How did the innovations in question (1) lay the foundation for present-day civilisations?


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