Standard Seven PSLE New Examination Format All Subject Free Download
Format for primary school leaving examination (psle), Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE), Class Seven Examination New Format 2024, Necta Exam Formats for primary schools – NECTA New Format.
This examination format for Primary School Leaving Examination which will be, effective from 2024, has been prepared by the National Examinations Council of Tanzania in line with the Syllabus of the Primary Education of 2015.
This revised format has improved the number of sections from two (02) to three (03) for 03 Social Studies and Vocational Skills, 04 Mathematics, 05 Science and Technology and 06 Civic and Moral Education subjects hence there will be sections A, B and C instead of A and B as it was in the previous version.
Further, improvements have been made in the examination structure of all subjects which are:-
01 Kiswahili
02 English Language
03 Social Studies and Vocational Skills (Maarifa ya jAMII)
04 Mathematics (Hisabati)
05 Science and Technology (Sayansi na Technolojia)
06 Civic and Moral Education (Uraia na Maadili)
The improved structure of the Primary School Leaving Examinations will make the number of questions differ from one subject to another when compared with the previous version of which, all the subjects had 45 questions. In this revised version
A. 01 Kiswahili and 06 Civic and Moral Education subjects will have six (06) questions each.
B. 04 Mathematics and 05 Science and Technology subjects will have eight (08) questions each.
C. 02 English Language and 03 Social Studies and Vocational Skills subjects, they will have seven (07) questions each.
In these examinations, the candidates will write their answers in the spaces provided in the question paper.
Standard Seven PSLE New Examination Format All Subject Free Download