BGCSE Results Botswana 2025/2026
BGCSE Results 2025/2026 Botswana | BGCSE result 2025 realease date: BEC (Botswana Examinations Council) conduct the Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) and also is responsible to publish the BGCSE result.
BEC is mandated under section 5 of the Botswana Examinations Council Act (Act No 11 of 2002) as amended by the Botswana Examinations Amendment Act, 2019 to manage, conduct examinations and assessments in general education and technical, vocational education and training and to award certificates in respect of the said examinations and assessments.
How to Access Botswana BGCSE Results 2025/2026
Step 1: Go direct to your internet browser on your laptop or mobile
Step 2: Type link address:
Step 3:Select “Examination” as “BGCSE”
Step 4: Select “Year” as eg. 2024/2025
Step 6: Enter your school’s Centre Number
Step 7: Enter “The student’s candidate number ”
Step 8: Now Enter ”The student’s surname”
Step 9: Click on the “Show Result” Button.
BGCSE Results Botswana 2025/2026
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