Choose the correct answer in the following questions:

  1. Your uncle _______ here a long time ago.

(a) Lived (b) lived (c) has lived (d) shall live (        )

  1. Did you _______ to school yesterday

(a) Went (b) gone (c) go (d) goes (        )

  1. Ndevu ______ from University in 2010
  • Will graduate (b) graduated (c) is going to graduated (d) are going to graduate
  1. Our head ______ yesterday.
  • Has elected (b) was elected (c) was electing (d) will be elected (        )
  1. It ________ raining as I went to the market
  • Is (b) has (c) was (d) will (        )
  1. Although he was very sick, he_______ go to hospital.
  • Doesn’t (b) wasn’t (c) didn’t (d) didn’t                                                                 (        )
  1. Sophia ______ his home work everyday
  • Did (b) do (c) does (d) doing (        )
  1. Sauda has already ______ Bulugi primary school.
  • Leaves (b) left (c) is leaving (d) leave (        )
  1. It ______ heavily last year thus many people harvested a lot.
  • Raining (b) rains (c) rain (d) rained (        )
  1. We _____ to eat meat on Monday when we were at the National park.
  • Used (b) uses (c) using (d) use                    (        )
  1. Those coffee ______ picked by us next week.
  • Was (b) will be (c) has been (d) is (        )
  1. Usually the sun _____ in the west.
  • Rises (b) sets (c) setting (d) sat (        )
  1. Children _____ eaten their lunch yet.
  • Were (b) has (c) have (d) was         (        )
  1. The museum ______ at 8 o’clock every Saturday.
  • Opening (b) opened (c) opens (d) has opened (        )
  1. Mtukwao ______ when the thief broke into his house.
  • Is sleeping (b) sleeps (c)was sleeping (d) were sleeping (        )


Choose the most correct answer and write its letter to the space provided:

  1. My parents had gone to visit _____ old aunt.
  • Some (b) an (c) a (d) un (        )
  1. The place climbed ______ towards the sky.
  • Sharp (b) sharper (c) very sharp (d) sharply (        )
  1. _____ Chande or Anna will ring the bell.
  • Neither (b) though (c) all (d) Either (        )
  1. The teacher talked to the women ______ some people think is a witch.
  • Whose (b) whom (c) which (d) who (        )
  1. The school brass band has been playing ______ two hours.
  • Since (b) at (c) onto (d) for                                 (        )
  1. The boy is ______ lazy that he cannot clean his own bedroom.
  • Very (b) too (c) much (d) so (        )
  1. I smelled it before I reached the oven, __________?
  • Isn’t it (b) didn’t I (c) doesn’t it (d) am I (        )
  1. Saidi was punished ______ the evidence he produced.
  • In spite (b) although (c) but also (d) despite (        )
  1. Does it rain every night? ______
  • No it doesn’t (b) no it does (c) yes it is (d) yes it doesn’t                                     (        )
  1. Halima is the ______ girl in our class.
  • More intelligent (b) intelligent (c) most intelligent (d) so intelligent (        )
  1. They were singing _______ I entered their classroom.
  • When (b) while (c) which (d) ought     (        )
  1. The baby couldn’t walk ______ legs were swollen.
  • His (b) their (c) its (d) your                                  (        )
  1. The chairman prevented him _____ taking part in the celebration.
  • For (b) from (c) onto (d) to (        )
  1. She cooks rice. The correct passive form of this statement is:
  • Rice is cooked by her (b) rice are cooked by her (c) rice will be cooked by her (d) rice is being cooked by her (        )
  1. Sophia always washes her school uniform. If you change the statement into negative, it will be:

(a) Sophia is always not washing her school uniform

(b) Sophia always doesn’t wash her school uniform

(c) Sophia isn’t washing her school uniform always

(d) don’t wash her clothes always


Choose the most correct answer.

  1. Hamza said to me “close the door”. The correct reported speech is:
  • Hamza sid close the door (b) Hamza told me if I will close the door (c) Hamza asked me not to close the door (d) Hamza told me to close the door (        )
  1. Nurses wear gloves _____ to protect their hands.
  • That (b) enough (c) also (d) in order              (        )
  1. The baby lion is called ______
  • Calf (b) tadpole (c) cub (d) puppy              (        )
  1. A person who walks on foot is a ______.
  • Pedestrian (b) driver (c) cyclist (d) farmer             (        )
  1. A ______ is a group of insects.
  • Crowd (b) flock (c) swarm (d) pile            (        )
  1. Any brother of your father is ______.
  • Grand father (b) small father (c) uncle (d) great father(    )
  1. The sun dis-appeared _______ two hills.
  • Among (b) between (c) into (d) along           (        )
  1. My friend _______ sister is a famous singer is coming to visit us next week.
  • Whom (b) who (c) whose (d) where (        )
  1. Dictionaries are the _______ every student should have it.
  • Useful (b) more useful (c) most useful (d) very useful (      )
  1. We see with eyes but we hear with our _______


Choose the most correct answer.

  1. My mother ______ meat with a knife yesterday.
  • Cut (b) cutting (c) will cut (d) has cut        (        )
  1. Yesterday we _______ English and History.
  • Learn (b) learns (c) learning (d) will learn        (        )
  1. Pendo is very intelligent she always _______ hard.
  • Works (b) worked (c) working (d) work
  1. Did he _______ the meeting?
  • Attending (b) will attend (c) attend (d) attended
  1. Rose _______ sweeping the floor when I arrived.
  • Is (b) was (c) were (d) am
  1. Juma is _______ outside this time.
  • Played (b) playing (c) play (d) has played
  1. I ______ visit Ngorongoro national park next Saturday.
  • Will (b) am (c) is (d) shall visit
  1. I _______ food for the family yet.
  • Was cooking (b) will cook (c) is cooking (d) have cooked
  1. Ujamaa villagers _______ their farms yesterday.
  • Digs (b) dig will (c) dig dug (d) is digging
  1. They have just _______ bananas and mangoes.
  • Eaten (b) eating (c) eats (d) ate
  1. Every day evening Faith _______ a bible.
  • Will read (b) has read (c) are reading (d) is reading
  1. Water ________ in clean container to avoid contamination.
  • Is keeping (b) are kept (c) are keeping (d) is kept
  1. Ndevu _________ another house two months ago.
  • Buy (b) buy (c) bought (d) will buy
  1. As they _______ working along the road they saw a big snake.
  • Are (b) is (c) was (d) were have
  1. She never _______ to school if it rains.
  • Go (b) went (c) goes (d) gone
  1. Naima is watching her dress ________.
  • Already (b) today (c) daily (d) yesterday
  1. My sister _______ a glass the previous day.
  • Breaks (b) breaking (c) will broke (d) broke
  1. Taifa stars team _______ football now.
  • Are playing (b) is playing (c) will play (d) plays
  1. _______ Ally sweep the classroom daily?
  • Is (b) are (c) does (d) do
  1. Pupils have _______ their homework already.
  • Does (b) doing (c) did (d) done
  1. No she ________ go to the market usually.
  • Didn’t (b) isn’t (c) doesn’t (d) won’t


Choose the most correct answer and write its letter to the space provided

  1. My father drives his car slowly _______?
  • Did he (b) don’t he (c) doesn’t (d) he doesn’t it
  1. Vero is not only tall _________ strong.
  • And also (b) with also (c) also but (d) but also
  1. This book belongs to Baraka, so it is _________.
  • Him (b) its (c) his (d) hers
  1. Ndevu is brave _______ to enter into this forest herself.
  • Enough (b) so (c) in order (d) too
  1. Ndevu has been teaching here _______ twelve years.
  • At (b) for (d) since (d) from
  1. _________ Shkila nor Omary will go to the zoo.
  • Either (b) not only (c) neither (d) both
  1. The letter _______ I received yesterday was from my friend Richard.
  • Whom (b) whose (c) which (d) who
  1. Jamila is good in both Mathematics ________ Biology.
  • Only (b) to (c) and (d) or
  1. The thieves broke our house _______?
  • Did she (b) didn’t he (c) didn’t they (d) doesn’t he
  1. _______ she works hard she won’t pass.
  • If (b) unless (c) when (d) as
  1. Is there _______ salt in the kitchen.
  • Some (b) little (c) any (d) few
  1. It is ________ difficult to find the way in the desert.
  • So (b) to (c) too (d) both
  1. I always sit ________ Ahmadi and Halima.
  • Inside (b) under (c) between (d) over
  1. Serengeti national park is ________ the highest National park in our country.
  • Beside (b) among (c) between (d) in addition



  1. A young pig is called _________
  • Kitten (b) cub (c) calf (d) piglet
  1. Jumbe is a _______ he works to the court.
  • Doctor (b) shopkeeper (c) judge (d) tourist
  1. The daughter of your aunt is your ________
  • Niece (b) nephew (c) cousin (d) baby
  1. Dar es Salaam, Kampala, Nairobi and Abuja are ________
  • Countries (b) cities (c) towns (d) streets
  1. The food which is eaten in the morning is called _______
  • Lunch (b) breakfast (c) tea (d) dinner


Read the passage carefully and then answer questions that follow.

Oh God make me a better parent. Teach me to understand my children, to listen patiently to what they say and to answer their questions as patiently as I can. Give me the courage to guide them without fear, correcting them boldly when they make mistakes but praising them when they deserve praise.

Give me too the courage to admit mistakes and to ask for forgiveness when I know I have done them wrong. Help me to grow with my children, to treat them as those own age, but let me not expert of them, the judgements and the conversions of adults. Allow me not to deprive them of the opportunity to learn, choose and make decisions.


  1. In this player the person praying likes children to _______
  • Make thoughtful decisions (b) choose what other children like (c) choose what they like (d) think after doing certain things
  1. In this prayer the person praying thinks it is fair to expect a 13 years children to behave like _____________
  • 2 year child (b) 10 years child (c) 13 years child (d) 20 years child
  1. The opposite of wrong as used in the prayer is __________
  • Upside down (b) making mistake (c) left (d) right
  1. In this prayer the person who is praying is a ____________
  • Father (b) mother (c) parent (d) child
  1. From the passage we learn that the prayer is said ________
  • By a parent (b) to a parent (c) for a parent (d) with a parent

You have given five sentences which are not in correct order, arrange them by giving them a letter A – E.

  1. The driver was going very fast and carelessly
  2. I quickly jumped off the road into the ditch full of mud
  3. Once upon I was walking home from school
  4. I got worried and I thought I would be hit by the lorry
  5. I saw a lorry coming ahead and on the wrong side

Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions which follow by choosing the right answer.

The masai are a fascinating kind of people. They are easily distinguishable from other African tribes by their light skin and tall, slender build. This is because their ancestors come from Egypt, and long ago, mixed with the darker-skinned Africans of the upper Nile. They lived then as they do now in the Rift valley which runs north and south through Kenya and Tanzania.

Too many people especially visitors from other countries, the Masai appear so fascinating because of their refusal to accept the western way of life and their strong belief that they are God’s chosen people and superior to every other existing tribe. Their lives during the last hundred years have changed very little. Dressed in a red blackest and their hair coloured with ochre, they depend on their cattle and live a peaceful life and keep away from the cities.

Cattle are the life blood of the Masai tribe. For hundreds of years cattle have provided the Masai with milk and blood, their staple diet and of course with meat. However, cattle are only killed for their meat on special occasions. An interesting custom connected with this is that young men or “Moransa” those who are not circumcised are not allowed to get on their own until they are of certain age or have been done so.


  1. Where did the Masai ancestor come from?
  • In the rift valley (b) Kenya (c) Tanzania (d) Egypt
  1. What kind of people are the Masai?
  • Careless (b) fascinating (c) white haired (d) warring
  1. The Masai can be distinguished from other African tribes by their:
  • Light skin and tall strong build (b) dry skin and short build (c) light skin and tall slender build (d) red skin and tall slender build
  1. What do the Masai people believe?
  • That they are the God’s chosen and superior (b) that they have tall build and very strong (c) that no other tribes have cows like them (d) that they have long hair
  1. According to the passage the Masai have kept away from:
  • Egypt (b) north and south Kenya (c) cities (d) rift valley
  1. What is the staple diet of the Masai?
  • Blood and meat (b) milk and meat (c) milk and blood (d) meat
  1. Who are not allowed to eat on their own until they are of certain age?
  • Old men (b) young men or morans (c) women (d) children
  1. The main occupation of the Masai is:
  • Loitering (b) keeping cattle (c) hunting (d) farming
  1. Do you think the Masai are the good example of the African tribe that has preserved its culture for so long?
  • Yes they are (b) no they are (c) no they aren’t (d) they are not
  1. Which of the following titles would suit the passage you have read?
  • The best African tribe (b) the belief of the Masai (c) the life of the Masai (d) why the Masai are dark skinned


Exercise on preposition

  1. He made his escape by jumping ______ a window and jumping ______ a waiting car.

(a) over / into

(b) between / into

(c) out of / between

(d) out of / into

(e) up to / out of

2.To get to the Marketing department, you have to go ______ those stairs and then ______ the corridor to the end.

(a) over / into

(b) between / into

(c)out of / between

(d) out of / into

(e) up / along

  1. I saw something about it ______ television.

(a) in

(b) on

(c) at

(d) through

(e) with

  1. I couldn’t get in ______ the door so I had to climb ______ a window.

(a) through / in

(b) between / into

(c) out of / between

(d) out of / into

(e) up / along

  1. She took the key ______ her pocket and put it ________ the lock.

(a)over / into

(b) between / into

(c) out of / in

(d) by / on

(e) up to / out of

  1. He drove ______ me without stopping and drove off ______ the centre of town.

(a) from / into

(b) towards / over

(c) along / up

(d) past / towards

(e) in / next to

  1. I took the old card ______ the computer and put ______ the new one.

(a) through / in

(b) out of / in

(c) out of / between

(d) out of / into

(e) up / along

  1. I went ______ him and asked him the best way to get ______ town.

(a) from / into

(b) towards / over

(c) along / up

(d) by / on

(e) up to / out of

  1. It’s unlucky to walk ______ a ladder in my culture. I always walk ______ them.

(a) through / in

(b) out of / in

(c) under / around

(d) out of / into

(e) up / along

  1. The restaurant is ______ the High Street, ______ the cinema.

(a) through / in

(b) out of / in

(c) under / around

(d) in / next to

(e) up / along

  1. Sally left school ______ the age of 16 and went to work ______ a bank.

(a) through / in

(b) out of / in

(c) under / around

(d) in / next to

(e) at / in

  1. He jumped ______ the wall and ______ the garden.

(a) over / into

(b) towards / over

(c) along / up

(d) by / on

(e) up to / out of

  1. He was driving ______ 180 miles per hour when he crashed ______ the central barrier.

(a) at / into

(b) out of / in

(c) under / around

(d) in / next to

(e) at / in

  1. She ran ______ the corridor and ______ the stairs to the second floor.

(a) from / into

(b) towards / over

(c) along / up

(d) by / on

(e) in / next to

  1. John is the person standing ______ the window, ______ the woman with the long blonde hair.

(a) at / into

(b) beside / next to

(c) under / around

(d) in / next to

(e) at / in

  1. When the bull ran ______ me, I jumped ______ the fence.

(a) from / into

(b) towards / over

(c) beside / next to

(d) by / on

(e) in / next to

  1. Look, that car’s ______ fire.

(a) through

(b) with

(c) in

(d) into

(e) on

  1. He saw a parking space ______ two cars and drove ______ it.

(a) over / into

(b) between / into

(c) along / up

(d) by / on

(e) up to / out of

  1. Harry comes to work ______ car but I prefer to come ______ foot.

(a) at / into

(b) beside / next to

(c) by / on

(d) in / next to

(e) at / in

  1. He took the book ______ the shelf and put it ______ his bag.

(a) from / into

(b) at / into

(c) beside / next to

(d) by / on

(e) in / next to


Put the verbs in the brackets into the simple present tense.

  1. Aruna usually (sit) on the last bench.
  2. She always (carry) an umbrella.
  3. Who (make) that terrible noise?
  4. You always (write) with your left hand.
  5. He usually (speak) so quickly.
  6. The last train (leave) the station at 11:30.

Put the verbs in the brackets into present continuous tense.

  1. You can’t see him. He (sleep) now.
  2. What (do) you at this moment?
  3. He usually drinks coffee, but today he (drink) tea.
  4. I (wear) a hat today since the sun is very hot.
  5. We (play) football now.

Supply the past tense in the place of the verbs in brackets.

  1. I (get) home very late last night.
  2. He (has) a letter from his son yesterday.
  3. While he was reading, his son (call) him to give him some money.
  4. As he opened the door, the dog (begin) to bark.
  5. When you last (see) your uncle?
  6. Last night she (has) a bad dream.
  7. In 1922 Mwl Ndevu (publish) his “Waste land”.
  8. I (meet) him few days ago.
  9. He (marry) her last year.
  10. Last week the judge (condemn) him to death.

Change the verbs in brackets in the following sentences into past continuous tense.

  1. When he reached home, he (take) food.
  2. He (stand) near the garden last night when I saw him.
  3. The car broke down while the driver (negotiate) a curve.
  4. I (eat) ugali when the accident occurred.
  5. I (read) in my exercise book when the lighting occurred.
  6. Sophia (wear) a new hat when the wind blew it away.

Use present perfect tense to change the verbs in brackets in the following sentences.

  1. I just (receive) a letter from my son.
  2. He (work) hard all these weeks.
  3. They (live) here long time ago.
  4. I (call) him several times.
  5. The police (recapture) the prisoners who escaped yesterday.

Supply present perfect continuous tense in the following verbs in brackets.

  1. We (wait) for the train since 4 p.m.
  2. He (lie) on the floor all this afternoon.
  3. He (go) to the dentist off and on for six months.
  4. I (finish) writing the letter, but I can’t find a stamp.
  5. He (sleep) all the night.

Use the past perfect tense to change the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.


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