Home BOOKS ANALYSIS Figures of speech are used by novelists to colour their literary works

Figures of speech are used by novelists to colour their literary works

How the author of two novels you have read deliver their message effectively to the readers The authors use conflicts to present different issues in their literary works Explain how the behaviour of some characters affects the welfare of the majority in the society Figures of speech are used by novelists to colour their literary worksSetting is an important element used by the authors to deliver the message in the society Questions With Answers On Novels Literature Questions On Plays, Novels and Poetry Guiding Questions – O Level Literature Questions On Plays, Novels and Poetry Guiding Questions – O Level

Figures of speech are used by novelists to colour their literary works

Figures of speech are used by novelists to colour their literary works. Analyse the effectiveness of these elements in presenting the message by referring to the two novels that you have studied. Give four points from each novel.

Figures of speech are literary devices such as simile, metaphor, imagery, personification, euphemism, paradox, symbolism, irony and hyperbole used by the writers to convey a certain meaning. It is true that figure of speech are used by novelists to colour their literary works but at the same time deliver the message to the society. The can be show through two novels PASSED LIKE A SHADOW and UNANSWERED CRIES.

Starting with PASSED LIKE A SHADOW by Benard Mapalala has shown the effectiveness of the following figure of speech in delivering the message.

Passed Like A Shadow

The use of simile, this is the comparison of two dissimilar things using the words of comparison. In the novel the author has used simile “He was humble as a dove” explaining that when Adyeri is not drunk he was seen to be humble.

This helps to get the message that, we should always be humble in the society.

The use of saying, this is a wise statement used by people to educate the society. In the book, the author has used saying “East West home is the best”.

This saying helps to give the message that, we should love the people of our home because they the ones who will help in time of troubles.

The use of personification, this is the giving inanimate things a features and quality of human beings to deliver the intended message to the audience. In the novel the author has used the personification “I’m now enjoying my children sweet”.

This statement was said by Amoti when she had benefits from her son Atwoki. This figure of speech helps to deliver the message that, we should work hard so that our parents can be benefited from us.

The use of hyperbole, this is the use of an intentional and extreme exaggeration to emphasis a certain message. From this novel the author has used exaggeration “Daddy gave him a classic slap”.

This happened when Adyeri arrived home drunkard and start beating his son Atwoki. This gives the message that we should maintain peace in our family by avoiding drinking alcohol.

Figures of speech are used by novelists to colour their literary works

Turning to the novel UNANSWERED CRIES by O Conteh has shown the effectiveness of the figure of speech in delivering the message as follows:

The use of simile, the comparison of two dissimilar things using the words of comparison to convey the message home. From the book, the author has used the simile “she fought like a wild cat” saying this when the clothes and pants of the young at bondo camp were torn off her body for circumcision. This deliver the message that, bad traditions like circumcision should be abolished.

The use of personification, this is the giving inanimate things a features and quality of human beings to deliver the intended message to the readers. From Unanswered cries the author has used personification “Death is the enemy who has no respect for people and their privacy.

He will come knocking at your door while you are sleeping”. Through this the audience is being educated that, there is no way we can escape our doom day, everyone will die in this world.

The use of hyperbole, this is the use of an intentional and extreme exaggeration to emphasis a certain message. In the book, the author has used this hyperbole “Daddy says you are the best lawyer in the whole world”.

This is said by Olabisi when she looks for a lawyer who will assist in the court against being circumcised unwillingly. This provide the message that, the court should be a better place for people rights.

The use of Satire, this is a way of making fun of people by using silly or exaggerated language. In the novel, the author has used this satire “Welcome to the bondo camp, white woman”.

This is said by Ya Posseh when she mocking Olabisi because she doesn’t want to be circumcised. This gives the message that, we should fight for outdated traditions and customs.

Conclusively, it is true that figure of speech are used by novelists to colour their literary works and attract their readers but at the same time deliver the message to the society.


  1. figures of speech and tenses are the main key aspects of passing English literature, so practice makes perfect . thanks for sharing this article …….dont forget to comment next time


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