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What Were The Impacts Of Dictatorship In Europe And The World At Large?

NECTA HISTORY ESSAY QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS FROM 1985 TO 2023 (I - IV) HISTORY FORM THREE ESSAY QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS NECTA HISTORY ESSAY QUESTIONS NECTA HISTORY ESSAY QUESTIONS FROM 1985 TO 2023 (I - IV) What Were The Impacts Of Dictatorship In Europe And The World At Large? How did the First world war cause Nazism in Europe How did the First world war cause Nazism in Europe How did Versailles Treaty and Great Depression cause the rise of Nazism in Germany? Methods Used By The Colonialist to Ensure Constant Supply Of Labourers During Colonial Economy History Form One Review Questions With Answers History Form Two Review Questions With Answers History Form Three Review Questions With Answers History Form Four Review Questions With Answers Examine the main characteristics, pitfalls and roles of pre-colonial education to the development of African societies. Why some areas in Africa experienced more intensive scramble than others?

What Were The Impacts Of Dictatorship In Europe And The World At Large?

A dictator is a political leader that holds absolute power over a country. No one is allowed to oppose their leadership and they are allowed to handle any national situation without approval from anyone.

Dictatorship is the system of government whereby the ruling power is in the hand of a single person or minority. It is the opposite of Democracy

The bitterest impact of World War One was the rise of dictatorial regimes in Europe. During the inter-war period, many European countries experienced periods of new governments. They were governments ruled by dictators. European nations were in very bad economic situation as an outcome of the First World War.

While striving to rebuild their economies, the Great Depression began in 1929 and added to their problems. These situations caused panic among the citizens. Hungry and hopeless people in many European nations wanted to see changes, thus they looked to powerful people they thought could solve the problems. The social miseries and economic distress resulted from the war and great depression created a climate for the rise of dictatorial regimes.

It all started in Italy, where an ambitious young man, Benito Mussolini, organized a new political party, the Fascists, and finally assumed power in 1922. While Mussolini was gaining power in Italy, Adolf Hitler was organizing the Nazi party in Germany. Hitler promised to restore Germany to its former political, economic and military position.

He was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933. From there, dictatorship spread to many other European nations like Spain and Portugal. Very few powers among the major European states, especially France and Great Britain remained democratic states. However, in this topic, the focus is Fascist regimes in three countries

What Were The Impacts Of Dictatorship In Europe And The World At Large?

How Did The First World War Cause Nazism In Europe How Did The First World War Cause Nazism In Europe How Did Versailles Treaty And Great Depression Cause The Rise Of Nazism In Germany? Methods Used By The Colonialist To Ensure Constant Supply Of Labourers During Colonial Economy History Form One Review Questions With Answers History Form Two Review Questions With Answers History Form Three Review Questions With Answers History Form Four Review Questions With Answers Examine The Main Characteristics, Pitfalls And Roles Of Pre-Colonial Education To The Development Of African Societies. Why Some Areas In Africa Experienced More Intensive Scramble Than Others?

i. Assassination of many people.

Many people lost their lives during bothMussolini’s and Hitler’s reigns, especially those who opposed their policies. It is impossible to know exactly how many people died as the deaths were comprised of thousands of different events over a period of more than ten years.

It for example argued that, ot 9 milions Jeews living in europe, 6 millions were killed in concentration camps as hitler ordered. All of those who were opponent to him were to leave the country, and find somewhere to live, otherwise were subject to death.

ii. Forced migration.
There were many people fleeing the Nazis in the 1930s, to escape persecution or discrimination, a lot of them Jewish. From Germany and Italy, mostly these people were welcomed by Britain and America.

And German citizens fled Germany in the 1930s Some among them got jobs in the industry, or other potentially sensitive positions. For example, With Hitler on the rise, writers like Thomas Mann, and the brililiant scientist Albert instein and his family fled their native Germany and emigrated to America.

iii. Prosperity of economy.

Hitler notably revived the German economy by launching a number of policies which restored several economic sectors, and caused the unemployment figures to drop. Hitler was not merely a politician, once got into power took different meassures to rebuild the economy of his country.

For example, unemployment droped from six million in 1933 to only three hundred thousands by 1939. Likewise, Italy’s economy rose during the reign of Benito Mussolini.

iv. Fascism burried communism in both Italy and Germany.

Fascism was completely against communism. The governments arrested and silenced any citizens who disagreed with their policies, and the communists were the special target. As one of the strongest political parties in germany before 1934, communists were the major opponents of the Nazis.

Large number of comunists were arrested and sentenced to prison. It is estimated that 340,000 communists were imprisoned within short time of the Nazi regime. Thus comunism totally disappeared in Germany with the rise of Adolf.

v. Loss of democracy.

When these men rose into power, both Italy and Germany were democratic. Nazi Germanyunder the leadership of Hitler soon became a dictatorship. Hitler banned all opposition parties, abolished election, restricted the freedom of expression, and many other elements of democracy. The same policies were adopted by Benito in Italy.

vi. Outbreak of the second world war.

World War Two began in September 1939 when Britain and France declared war on Germany following Germany’s invasion of Poland. Hitler was undoutedly once again responsible for instigating the second world war.

Obviously the second world war was the battle between Democrats (Britain, France and USA) against Dictatorial powers (Germany, Italy, Japan).


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