Home HISTORY Why some areas in Africa experienced more intensive scramble than others?

Why some areas in Africa experienced more intensive scramble than others?

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Why some areas in Africa experienced more intensive scramble than others?

The scramble for colonies in Africa was the intense competition or struggle for the control of African territories, which took place among the European capitalist nations in the 1880s and 1890s.

Before the 1880s European countries were not much interested to establish colonialism in African continent, while they had only trade relationship with Africans and to spread Christianity religion.

Also before the 19thcentury European had no idea if African continent had other things to offer rather than forestry materials and slaves.

Why some areas in Africa experienced more intensive scramble than others?

Why Some Areas In Africa Experienced More Intensive Scramble Than Others?

During the scramble for and partition of Africa some areas experienced more scramble than others; this was due to the following factors:

1. Some areas were potential for agriculture; the objective of controlling African continent was for the exploitation of agriculture raw materials. European countries occupied areas with soil fertility and enough rainfall.

Example of areas which were potential for agricultural raw materials includes Niger basin, Congo basin, Zimbabwe, Nile valley, Kenya highlands and Nyasaland. Nations involved in the scramble includes; Britain, Portugal, Belgium and France.

2. Areas with accessibility to the interior, important areas which involved navigable rivers like Nile River, Congo basin and Niger, which were economically important to the extent to attract many imperialistic powers.

Example Niger basin scrambled by different powers like German, Britain and France. Also Congo basin was important because of its accessibility to the interior where agricultural and mineral potential found. It involved France, Portugal and Belgium.

3. Because of mineral potential to some areas, African areas which had availability of minerals were scrambled than others, since European wanted minerals like diamond, gold, copper etc, which were needed as raw materials in the European industries.

The places like Nigeria and Angola scrambled by countries like Britain, France, German and Portugal.

4. Areas with high population, the populated areas attracted Europeans since they were very important for provision of reliable market as well as to supply enough labour.

This area includes Senegal, Nigeria, Cameroon and Gold Coast. European nations like German, France and Britain were scrambled for the region.

5. The strategic areas, this include Egypt which was very potential area for both strategic and economic purposes. This area becomes more important after opening of Suez Canal in 1869.

Britain and France involved in construction Suez Canal. The European nations struggled over Egypt were Britain and France, Latter Britain was able to colonize Egypt.


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