Syllabus Form 5 And 6 Advanced Level Secondary School – PDF Free Download, Form 5 and 6 Secondary School Syllabus, Syllabus all subjects, Meaning Of Syllabus, Form 5 and 6Syllabus, Form Five Syllabus, Form Six Syllabus, Syllabus For Secondary School A’level, A syllabus is a document that outlines all the essential information about a college course.
What is syllabus?
A syllabus is your guide to a course and what will be expected of you over the course of the quarter.
It lists the topics you will study, as well as the due dates of any coursework including tests, quizzes, or exams.
Generally it will include course policies, rules and regulations, required texts, and a schedule of assignments.
Syllabus Form 5 And 6 Advanced Level Secondary School – PDF Free Download
Advanced Mathematics Syllabus
Agriculture Syllabus
Biology Syllabus
Chemistry Syllabus
Computer Science Syllabus
English Language Syllabus
Advanced Physics Syllabus
Geography Syllabus
Accountancy Syllabus
Arabic Language Syllabus
Fine Art Syllabus
Kiswahili Syllabus
Physical Education Syllabus