Download English Language Scheme Of Work Form 1 (One) 2025/2026 Free
In this article, are you looking for Maboresho ya Scheme of Work and Lesson Plan 2025/2026, English Language Form One Scheme Of Work for 2025/2026 Free Download
The scheme of work is the amount of coverage teacher plan to teach in one term/one year of the subject based on the syllabus.
It is a series of topics picked from the syllabus and arranged logically to suit the teaching strategy of a teacher.
It guides the teacher in planning the unit of instruction and consequently the daily lessons in line with the time available.
A well prepared scheme of work gives an overview of the total course content, provide a sequential list of learning tasks, provide a basis for long range planning, teaching and evaluation. The scheme of work is the general level of instructional plans.
Importance of the Scheme of Work
1. To plan teaching for a term or a year.
2. To present topics in a logical, presentable sequence/order.
3. To remind teacher the amount of teaching load and materials ahead.
4. To inform administrator or another teacher on teaching plan.
5. To present plan of methods of assessment for specific topic.
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