Download History New Syllabus Form I – IV PDF
History is one of the compulsory core subjects for Form I-IV students in the General Education pathway.
The purpose of learning History is to enable students to use historical events in society to understand themselves and the world around them.
It includes studying various aspects of society and society to understand how it came to be the way it is and how they impact the world, thus, being responsible for themselves, others and the Nation at large.
The History syllabus is designed to guide the teaching and learning of History at Ordinary Secondary Education Form I -IV in the United Republic of Tanzania.
The syllabus interprets the competences indicated in the 2023 Ordinary Secondary Education Curriculum.
It contains valuable information that will enable teachers to effectively plan their teaching process and help learners to develop the intended competences.
It is expected that the subject will help students to develop patriotism and the 21st Century skills.
What is a Syllabus
A syllabus is a document that outlines everything that will be covered in a class. It is a document that contains all of the important details regarding a school or college courses.
It is a document that outlines all the essential information about a college course. It lists the topics you will study, as well as the due dates of any coursework including tests, quizzes, or exams.
Why Your Syllabus is Important?
Your syllabus gathers all the vital information about your class in one place. Therefore Syllabus will help you to:
1. Be organized.
2. Observe deadlines
3. Get ready for class.
4. Recognize assignments
5. Be aware of your grade.
6. Control your time.
7. Engage with students and/or learners
Download History New Syllabus Form I – IV PDF
History Syllabus for Ordinary Secondary Education Form 1- 4