An algebraic expression – is a collection of numbers, variables, operators and grouping symbols.Variables – are letters used to represent one or more numbers
inequality – is a mathematical statement containing two expressions
which are not equal. One expression may be less or greater than the
other.The expressions are connected by the inequality symbols<,>,≤
or≥.Where< = less than,> = greater than,≤ = less or equal and ≥ =
greater or equal.
inequality – is a mathematical statement containing two expressions
which are not equal. One expression may be less or greater than the
other.The expressions are connected by the inequality symbols<,>,≤
or≥.Where< = less than,> = greater than,≤ = less or equal and ≥ =
greater or equal.
Linear Inequalities with One Unknown
Solve linear inequalities in one unknown
inequality can be solved by collecting like terms on one side.Addition
and subtraction of the terms in the inequality does not change the
direction of the inequality.Multiplication and division of the sides of
the inequality by a positive number does not change the direction of the
inequality.But multiplication and division of the sides of the
inequality by a negative number changes the direction of the inequality
inequality can be solved by collecting like terms on one side.Addition
and subtraction of the terms in the inequality does not change the
direction of the inequality.Multiplication and division of the sides of
the inequality by a positive number does not change the direction of the
inequality.But multiplication and division of the sides of the
inequality by a negative number changes the direction of the inequality
Example 11
Solve the following inequalities


Linear Inequalities from Practical Situations
Form linear inequalities from practical situations
To represent an inequality on a number line, the following are important to be considered:
- The endpoint which is not included is marked with an empty circle
- The endpoint which is included is marked with a solid circle
Example 12

Compound statement – is a statement made up of two or more inequalities
Example 13
Solve the following compound inequalities and represent the answer on the number line
