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10 Best Benefits of Drinking Water

TOPIC 2: HARDNESS OF WATER | CHEMISTRY FORM 3 Best Benefits Of Drinking Water

10 Best Benefits of Drinking Water

Water is life.

In the same way that you do not miss breakfast, lunch and dinner, you should also ensure that you are drinking enough water in the day to ensure good health.

Unfortunately, most people do not consider drinking water critical to their health and only drink water when thirsty. But surprisingly, it is worth noting that thirst is a symptom of dehydration.

Its very important to drink water, you should never wait until you are thirsty to do so. Although recommended water consumption varies with weight, age, activity level, weather, and gender, it is always best to drink water every two hours.

If you struggle to drink more water, you need to make sure that a glass of water accompanies every snack and meal you take.

How much water should you drink a day?

Do you know how much water you should drink in a day? You probably know that it’s important to drink plenty of water (the benefits of drinking water) when it’s so hot outside. But staying with water is a daily necessity, no matter what the thermometer says.

The daily norm of four to six cups is for generally healthy people. It is possible to drink a lot of water if you have certain health conditions, such as thyroid disease, kidney disease, liver disease, or heart disease; Or if you take medications that make you retain water, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opioid pain medications, and some antidepressants.

What Increases Water Requirement In Our Body?

Physical activity or exposure to warm/hot conditions. Water is a major component of different parts of the body and is present in the following quantities:

  • Replace fluids lost through sweat.
  • With excessive sweating, drinks rich in sodium are recommended.
  • Diarrhea or vomiting
  • Consuming a high-protein diet (to help promote proper kidney function)
  • Consuming a high-fiber diet (to prevent constipation)
  • Fever

Roles of water In Our Body

Water keeps every organ in the body working properly. The Harvard Medical School Health Report notes the 6-week plan for healthy eating notes that water has many important functions, such as:

  • Promotes normal saliva production
  • Assists in the removal of waste via urination, perspiration, and bowel movements
  • Protects the spinal cord and sensitive tissues
  • Promotes a healthy digestion
  • Regulating body temperature
  • Lubricates the joints
  • Assists in the transportation of nutrients and oxygen to cells
  • Promotes normal blood pressure and stabilizes the heartbeat
  • Cellular homeostasis
  • Moistens the mucous membranes in the lungs and mouth
  • Assists in maintaining proper electrolyte balance

If you don’t drink enough water every day, you risk becoming dehydrated. Warning signs of dehydration include weakness, low blood pressure, dizziness, confusion, or dark urine.

Benefits of Drinking Water

1. Regulates your body temperature

Water can efficiently absorb and transfer heat, and the human body uses it for cooling. Water has a high heat capacity, which means it can absorb a lot of heat before it gets too hot. This feature allows the water in every cell of the human body to act as a barrier against sudden changes in temperature.

Blood, which is made up of large amounts of water, transfers heat from the extremity to vital organs when it needs to retain heat, and flows to the surface of the skin, exuding heat as needed. Water also helps remove excess heat from the body such as water vapor from the lungs and sweat on the skin.


A normal body temperature is 36.5-37.5°C (97.7-99.5°F). According to this article, how does water strengthen the temperature? On the Influence website, since the body is made up of 60-75% water and the brain is up to 70% water

The body’s homeostasis and balance depends on keeping the body temperature within a certain range which means within a certain range meaning that wild changes in temperature will throw the body off balance.

3. Maintains a healthy digestion

Among its many functions in the body, water is essential to healthy digestion and supports the process from start to finish.


Right from the start of digestion, water is behind the major component of your saliva. Saliva serves several functions: it helps moisten your food making it easier to chew and swallow, and it is a vehicle for enzymes that start the chemical breakdown of fats and carbohydrates during chewing.

As the food passes into your stomach, watery gastric juices are released. These juices also contain enzymes, which begin to break the proteins and carbohydrates in the foods that you eat into smaller parts, preparing them for their trip to the small intestine, where much of the digestion of your food takes place.

When food passes into your stomach, watery gastric juices are released. These juices also contain enzymes, which begin to break down the proteins and carbohydrates in the foods you eat into smaller pieces, preparing them for their journey to your small intestine, where much of your food is digested. In addition to that Water is also needed to produce the mucus that coats the inside of your stomach, which protects it from the highly acidic digestive juices.

5. Aids in weight management

Increasing your daily water intake may help trigger weight loss in the following ways:

6. Boosting metabolism

Promoting early satiety and thereby reducing overall caloric intake
Being a healthier substitute to sugary, calorie-laden beverages
Some studies showed that consuming more water can help facilitate greater weight loss as well as better BMI and appetite scores. Reference..

7. make skin to be health and beauty

Did you know that using plain water can improve the structure and texture of your skin? Yes, drinking water and staying hydrated is not only good for your health as it helps with digestion and nutrition, but it is also good for your skin.

Excessive use of water can give you healthier and smoother skin. Drinking enough water can do wonders for your skin health and leave your skin glowing.

You will be surprised to know that drinking water is the best anti-aging remedy as it soothes your skin and makes it smooth and radiant by banishing wrinkles. Roughly 50-70 percent of our molecules are made up of water, as well as our skin, tissues, cells, and organs, so when your body doesn’t get enough water, your skin becomes less stable, becomes dry, weak and more prone to wrinkles.

Some beauty benefits of drinking water Includes

8. Increases skin elasticity.

Using enough water will help you improve your complexion and keep the skin well hydrated. Drinking enough water will make sure that the essential nutrients are distributed to the skin cells, and it will also increase the integrity of your skin.

9. Prevents skin aging.

You can stop all the expensive and time-consuming aging treatments. Instead, you can rely on water to delay the appearance of signs of aging such as wrinkles and soft spots.

10. It prevents the skin from freezing.

When you get rid of oil, your skin tends to deteriorate, so to reduce skin aging, you should drink enough water. Drinking enough water will strengthen your skin and also give you a perfect glow.

11. Take care of nails.

You can also take care of your brittle nails by swallowing enough water. If your nails are broken and chipped all the time, this is a sign that your body is dehydrated. Start using more water to promote nail growth as well as to prevent weak skin.

12. Supports kidneys health

In order to function properly and effectively, the kidneys require sufficient fluids to remove unwanted waste products from the body.

Water dilutes minerals and salts that can concentrate in the kidneys to become stones. In addition Water acts as a medium to flush out the toxins from the body via sweat and urine.

Studies have shown that increased water consumption reduces the risk of developing kidney stones, chronic kidney disease and kidney stones


i. Treats headaches and migraines
ii. Reduces the risk of urinary tract infections
iii. Relieves fatigue & Keeps you energized
iv. Helps alleviate mood
v. Boosts your brain power
vi. Good for your heart
vii Helps fight sickness


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