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Mathematical Tables And Formulae By NECTA

Mathematical Tables And Formulae By NECTA

Mathematical Tables And Formulae By NECTA

The purpose of preparing this booklet is to have an authorized document that will be used
uniformly by all candidates in examinations.

The document fills the gap that existed in secondary schools whereby different mathematical tables were used.

The booklet contains the following Mathematical Tables: Common Logarithms, Antilogarithms, Sines, Cosines, Tangents, Square Roots, Reciprocals, Cube Roots, Natural (Naperian) Logarithms, Normal Distribution, Poisson Distribution and Binomial Distribution.

It contains some formulae and constants from the topics taught in Basic Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Basic Applied Mathematics and Advanced Mathematics.

The few selected formulae and constants in this booklet are the ones which are not easily memorized by candidates but they are needed in solving mathematical problems.

Mathematical Tables And Formulae By NECTA

Mathematical Tables And Formulae By Necta

Also, it contains selected examples which are given at the end of some tables.

Mathematical Tables such as Reciprocal of Trigonometric Ratios, Inverse of Trigonometric Ratios, Cubes and Hyperbolic Functions are not included in this booklet, because their use
may be replaced by the tables which are found in this booklet.

For instance, to find a cube of a number, candidates may use the tables of logarithms and antilogarithms.

Furthermore, to determine the secant of an angle, candidates may find the cosine of that angle and then find its reciprocal by using cosines and reciprocal tables respectively.

The contents of this booklet, in the following part, are divided into three categories; Mathematical tables, Mathematical formula and Constants in sections 2, 3 and 4 respectively

Mathematical Tables And Formulae By NECTA

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